Following up on my Flattr FOSS post, the most interesting thing about having my projects on Flattr has been watching their relative popularities in the control panel. It looks something like this, which is done using javascript, so you might need to follow the link to my blog to see it properly.

I've been watching debhelper and moreutils keep pace with each other. This is interesting, because moreutils has been highlighted by Flattr FOSS, and debhelper has not. Still, the general level of interest in moreutils continues to suprise me -- and some more utils are lined up to go into it soon!

Popcon tells me that alien still has more users than anything except for debhelper; easily 5 to 10 times the users of moreutils or pristine-tar. So alien's low numbers in Flattr are also surprising. I think it might be explained by more developer types than user types following Flattr FOSS right now. Perhaps it will change now that Flattr does not need invites to sign up?