Kyle's Genealogy Pages | Our Family History 
This page contains some information on the ongoing genealogical research of Kyle MacLea. He is aiming to trace the lineage of both his own family and that of his wife, Holly.
To date, Kyle has managed to trace his direct MacLea/McLea line to the mid-1700s in western Scotland, his mother's line to the 19th Century in French Canada, and his wife Holly's paternal Portland/Portolan line to the late 1700s in Tyrolea on the Austrian-Italian border. But much work remains to be done!
If you have information to share on the family history, please get in touch with Kyle (see below for email). He is always eager to talk to distant cousins and add their information to the Family Tree. If you think you might have a connection, no matter how distant, please do get in touch!

Kyle is working on a comprehensive effort to make an online compendium of MacLea/McLea family history, the MacLea FamilyWiki. His plan is to concentrate, at first, solely on his own family, that of the ancestors and descendants of James Brown MacLea, who emigrated from Scotland to the United States at the end of the 19th century. Later, he may add additional information on other McLeas. It is constantly evolving, so check back anytime, and send Kyle ideas if you'd like him to add something!
Interested to see what Kyle might be working on right now? Try Kyle's MacLea family history blog, a part of the MacLea FamilyWiki! He will from time to time write some of his thoughts and ideas on the family history, new things he's discovered or transcribed, or links to resources located on this website or on the web in general. This is mostly a place for Kyle to record his thoughts for later work, but you're welcome to eavesdrop!

Kyle has also started a database to link the various MacLea and Livingstone families who have emigrated from Scotland around the world.
The Livingstone and MacLea Emigration Registry is another wiki set up in the manner of the MacLea FamilyWiki, and it allows contributions from any interested family members of any MacLea, Livingstone, or similar family name, from anywhere in the world--
and especially those that can trace their roots to Scotland! Main Page
This page last updated 24 April 2006 by KSM
All contents of these pages are licensed by Kyle MacLea under a Creative Commons license and some rights are reserved.