
Heraldry of the Knights of Earth
 Missions of Knights

This page is a list, not comprehensive in any way, of organizations or goals that the brotherhood of Knights support or have a particular interest in.  This list may also include personal websites of Knights.  Any Knight who wishes me to add a link here should write and I will do so.  I exercise no censorship (with small exceptions) of the list.

Neighbors Together Soup Kitchen (Kyle MacLea)

Family Access and Visitation Coop (Kyle MacLea)

Jeff's Good Samaritan Fire/Rescue Service (Jeffrey McSherry)

Dudley's Web Sites (Charles H. Dudley)

Morgan Country Community Websites (Danny Akers)

Self-Esteem Campaign (Lady Shaishana)

The Order of Valour (Russell G Giampietro 2nd)      The Order of Valour


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