I would love to talk to you about my lab and how you might fit in. Depending on your interests, we may be able to customize a project just for you!
And for you alums—send me an update of what you’ve been up to since leaving the lab!
Current lab students and alums at UNH-Manchester
Scott Mithoefer, genome sequencing of Idiomarina zobellii and Quadrisphaera granulorum, 2015:

Alex Beaulieu, soil metagenomics, 2015:

Phylicia Wisti, multiplex PCR of Peromyscus spp. for species-level identification, 2014:

Josh Linnane, multiplex PCR of Peromyscus spp. for species-level identification, 2014:

Bruce A. Rheaume, genome sequencing of Idiomarina abyssalis, 2014-:

Linfield College lab alums
Students who worked with me at Linfield College studying the yeast prion Sup35 during 2012-2014:
Emily Davis:

James Knox:

Daniel Palacios:
Research from Linfield is contained in The MacLea Lab Open Notebook.
In the spring of 2013, students in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (BIOL 441) at Linfield undertook a yeast prion biochemistry research project. My research students followed up on some of this work, working out some of the kinks during summer and fall 2013, and we were much more successful in version 2 during spring of 2014!
The blog that documents the spring 2013 research is found here: BIOL 441 Research Notebook SP13. The blog that documents the spring 2014 research is found here: BIOL 441 Research Notebook SP14.
The work at Linfield was exhibited at the Linfield College student poster conference, the Murdock Conference (regional undergraduate research conference) and at ASBMB in San Diego in 2014!
We were also awarded almost $6000 by the Dean and the Dept. of Biology for summer research over the summer of 2013.